International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 1 - Issue 1 (6) | PP: 73 - 89 Language : English

Axiomatizing Elementary Arabic Syntax

A. Z. Obiedat
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
17/11/2018 29/12/2018 2/2/2019 2/3/2019
This article aims to apply the logical method of axiomatization to elementary Arabic syntax hoping to emulate the clarity, brevity, and interconnectedness of the classical treatise, i.e., Al-Ājrūmiyyah by al-Ṣinhājī (d. 723 h. / 1323 C.E.). This article presents the theory behind this method and the class experiment that utilized it. The axiomatization program is presented in two steps. The first step presents the basis of Arabic syntax in a detailed essay and then summarizes all in a theoretical framework. This includes the following syntactic subjects: 1. parts of speech, 2. three case endings, 3. five types of nouns and their three case endings, 4. two types of Arabic sentences, 5. nominal sentence, 6. predicate as a phrase, 7. prepositions and prepositional phrase, 8. followers, e.g., adjectives and conjoined nouns, 9. iḍāfa construction, 10. verbal sentence and its doer, 11. object, 12. iḍāfa construction in verbal sentences, 13. adverb, 14. semi-adverb, 15. uninflected nouns, 16. definite status, 17. pronouns, 18. tanwīn, 19. abrogators, e.g., kāna and inna and their sisters, 20. further expansion, 21. absolute object, 22. object of purpose, and 23. the general protocol for syntactic analysis.

How To Cite This Article
Obiedat , A. Z. (2019). Axiomatizing Elementary Arabic Syntax . International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 1 (1), 73-89, DOI:10.31559/JALLS2019.1.1.6

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