Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 11 - Issue 2 (4) | PP: 188 - 203 Language : العربية

The impact of the integration of the theory of restrictions and the value chain to reduce production costs in Sudanese industrial companies

Omer Tajelsir Omer Elnour ,
Abdelmged Abdelrahim Ali Elagab
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
9/8/2021 31/8/2021 23/9/2021 4/11/2021
The objective of the study is to demonstrate the impact of the integration between the theory of constraints and the value chain in reducing production costs in Sudanese industrial companies. This represents the study population. An appropriate sample was taken by distributing the questionnaire, books, and scientific research. The problem was posed through various questions about the application of the theory of constraints and the value chain in reducing production costs. The study also aimed to identify the quality of the constraints imposed on the system and how to manage them. The use of the value chain method in cost management was aimed to achieve competitive advantage, and to show the validity of the hypotheses, as it was concluded that the application of the theory of constraints and the value chain helps industrial companies reduce their production cost.

How To Cite This Article
Elnour , O. T. O.& Elagab , A. A. A. (2021). The impact of the integration of the theory of restrictions and the value chain to reduce production costs in Sudanese industrial companies . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 11 (2), 188-203,

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