Global Journal of Economics and Business

First: Submission of the manuscript

  • Manuscripts along with annexes thereto are sent to the journal via journal online submission or via journal email (

  • The author shall be notified about the receipt of the article.

Second: Review Process


1. Preliminary Examination:

  • The editorial board shall examine the manuscript to determine whether it is in compliance with the formal publishing rules and whether it is eligible for the review process.  
  • In the preliminary examination, the editorial board applies rules such as: suitability of the subject for the journal; type pf paper (research paper or otherwise); language accuracy, documentation relevance (according to rules approved by the journal); observance of the ethics of scientific publishing; absence of any reference in the manuscript and bibliography / reference list and any other formal publishing rules declared by the journal.
  • The author shall be notified upon receipt of the manuscript and the result of the Preliminary examination.
  • The journal may add a phase labeled “completing and improving the research” in the event that the journal decides that the manuscript is promising however, it is in need on improvements prior to entering the review process. In such a phase, the journal shall provide the author with guidance and recommendations that would lead him onto the path of such improvement that will assist in ensuring the “eligibility” of the manuscript for the review process.

2. Review:

  • Every manuscript shall be subject to a double blind review performed by peers.
  • The editorial board shall inform the author of its decisions, a summary of the remarks, required amendments if needed. This is accompanied by the reviewers’ reports of summaries.

3. Introducing Modifications:

  • The author shall make the necessary modifications to the manuscript based on the results of the review process and shall resend it to the journal showing the modifications in “track changes”, The author shall indicate in a separate file that accompanies the modified manuscript his responses to all the points raised in the editorial board’s letter and the reports submitted by the reviewers.

4. Acceptance and Rejection:

  • The journal shall reserve the right to accept or reject the manuscript based on the author’s adherence to the publication requirements and the requirements of the journal’s editorial board.

  • If the reviewers report that the author has not made the required amendments, the author is given a last chance to make them, otherwise his manuscript will be rejected and it will not be published in the journal and publication fees will not be refunded.

Third: Format Rules


1. Topic relevance:

The topic of the manuscript shall fall within the academic focus of the journal (as reported by the journal).


2. Manuscript’s Title:

It shall be in Arabic and English, and the title must relate to the purpose of the manuscript. While avoiding abbreviations and formulas as much as possible.


3. Authors:

Provide full names, complete affiliations, and e-mail addresses for all authors within the paper in Arabic and English. Only one author should be the corresponding author.


4. Abstract:

All manuscripts must include Abstracts in English and Arabic (with identical information) of 150 to 250 words. Abstracts should be containing the subheadings: objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study. The abstract should be written in such a way that, the readers feel to read the entire manuscript, and should Provide 3–5 keywords representing the main content of the manuscript.

5. Introduction:

This section should explain the background to the study, its aims, a summary of the existing literature, motivations and why this study was necessary.


6. Tables and charts:

The tables, figures and charts shall be prepared as required by the formatting and style guide as shown in the journal template.


7. Main results:

This should include the findings of the study.


8. Reference:

 References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the APA Style


9. Size:

Authors are encouraged to write concisely. As a guide, regular articles should be at most 30 pages.



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Bibliographic Information Email: DOI: 10.31559/GJEB ISSN 2519-9293 (Online) ISSN 2519-9285 (Print) Freq. : Bimonthly Language : Arabic, English Articles : 471

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