Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (9) | PP: 603 - 613 Language : العربية

The effect of pink marketing on the purchase decision of female students of the Community College for Girls in Khamis Mushayt

Rogaia Mohammad Mohammad Ahmad Kratat
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
28/3/2021 29/4/2021 4/5/2021 2/7/2021
The study aimed to identify the impact of pink marketing on consumer purchasing decisions among female students of the Community College in Khamis Mushait and to identify the obstacles, advantages and benefits of pink marketing, and to test the study hypotheses, the descriptive analytical approach was used based on aquestionnaire (attached in the appendices) that was distributed to a selected sample of female students Community College in Khamis Mushait272 questionnaires, and after analyzing it, it was concluded that the value of (R2) coefficient of determination is equal to 0.66, which means (pink marketing) explains what %66of the purchase decision is, which indicates that there are other factors whose impact is equivalent to %44. And that the coefficients of the path from pink marketing to the purchase decision is equal to 0.842, which is a statistically significant level of 0.5, and the study also recommended including pink marketing in the marketing curriculum at King Khalid University, and training students on how to benefit from directing the purchase decision through pink marketing for the women's community in the Asir region. Through small projects that offer pink products

How To Cite This Article
Kratat , R. M. M. A. (2021). The effect of pink marketing on the purchase decision of female students of the Community College for Girls in Khamis Mushayt . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10 (3), 603-613,

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