Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 10 - Issue 2 (4) | PP: 285 - 306 Language : العربية

Influence of using (5s) on workers’ productivity and quality of operational environment (Pepsi factory in Riyadh as a model)

SalmaMohammad Jaghoubi ,
Sara Mereezk Marzook Al Moteery
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
6/12/2021 3/1/2021 2/2/2021 29/4/2021
This study aimed to identify the reality of the operational environment and its components from the point of view of the employees of the Pepsi factory in Riyadh and to investigate the role of the 5s in improving their productivity level and the operational environment. This study also shed light on the various obstacles that limit the application of these principles and regulations from the point of view of workers at the factory in Riyadh. A mix between qualitative and quantitative research methods was applied for this purpose. The study population consisted of all employees of the Pepsi factory in Riyadh with different specializations, levels and jobs. To collect data, a survey method (questionnaire) was used. The SPSS program was used to study the supposed relationships in the research model. The results of this study concluded the following: Study respondents agree on reality of operational environment and its components and on the role of 5S in improving workers’ productivity and operational environment. The results also concluded that Set in order aspect came in the first position, while Sustain came in the fifth and last position. Whereas they agree on the obstacles that hinder applying 5s system in improving the productivity and operational environment of workers with mean (3.94).

How To Cite This Article
, S. J.& Al Moteery , S. M. M. (2021). Influence of using (5s) on workers’ productivity and quality of operational environment (Pepsi factory in Riyadh as a model) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10 (2), 285-306,

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