Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 10 - Issue 1 (6) | PP: 75 - 88 Language : العربية

Level of administrative empowerment and decentralization and its impact on the efficiency of the implementation of the Jordanian customs strategic plan (2017-2019)

Majda Suleiman Abdel Rahman Iartimeh ,
Hani Irtaimeh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
25/1/2020 2/1/2021 17/1/2021 1/3/2021
This study aims to identify the extent of the application of administrative empowerment and decentralization and its impact on the efficiency of the implementation of the Jordanian Customs Strategic Plan (2017-2019). The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, through a questionnaire was distributed to a sample of (346) employees of the Jordanian Customs Department who hold permanent and classified jobs and comprehensive contracts. The study concluded that the most important results are that the Customs Department is conducting administrative empowerment operations and is moving towards decentralization. It also found a significant and significant impact of administrative empowerment and decentralization in the efficiency of the implementation of the strategic plan of Jordanian Customs and in achieving the objectives set in the strategic plan (2017-2019). In view of the results, the study recommended improving weaknesses points in some practices that may not be appropriate for administrative empowerment and decentralization should be addressed.

How To Cite This Article
Iartimeh , M. S. A. R.& Irtaimeh , H. (2021). Level of administrative empowerment and decentralization and its impact on the efficiency of the implementation of the Jordanian customs strategic plan (2017-2019) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10 (1), 75-88,

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