Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 9 - Issue 2 (8) | PP: 318 - 332 Language : العربية

Quality of health services provided to patients in hospitals in Wad-Madeni greater locality, Gezira state, Sudan (2020)

Osman Tag Elsir Masaad
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
22/7/2020 23/8/2020 29/8/2020 28/10/2020
This study aimed to know the level of quality of health services provided to patients in Gezira State hospitals. A random sample of 384 individuals was used to answer the research problem represented by the level of quality of health services provided to patients in Gezira State hospitals. To reach its goals, the study relied on the descriptive-analytical method. A questionnaire was prepared to collect data, and the data was processed using many statistical techniques. The study reached many results. The most important of which is that there is a high-quality level of health services in the hospitals under investigation, as the dimensions of tangibility, the reliability of doctors, the reliability of the nursing service, supportive devices, response, immediate, sympathy, and safety positively affects the overall quality level. The most effective dimensions are the tangibility and reliability of the nursing service and support devices. From these results, many recommendations were reached. The most important of which is to continue to raise the level of quality of health services. Also, when planning to set up hospitals in the future, the appropriate location that is easily accessible from all directions must be taken into account.

How To Cite This Article
Masaad , O. T. E. (2020). Quality of health services provided to patients in hospitals in Wad-Madeni greater locality, Gezira state, Sudan (2020) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 9 (2), 318-332,

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