Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 9 - Issue 1 (10) | PP: 122 - 132 Language : العربية

The impact of the organizational ability on the adaption of results-based monitoring and evaluation system: an applied study on women's development organizations operating in the Gaza strip

Wael Mohamed Thabet
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
26/5/2020 17/6/2020 4/7/2020 3/9/2020
The study aimed at identifying the impact of organizational ability on the adaption of the results-based monitoring and evaluation system at women’s development organizations in the Gaza strip. The research relied on the procedures of descriptive analytical method. The study was conducted on 43 female employees from monitoring and evaluation department. They were (Director of the Organization, Director of programs, Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Director of Monitoring and Evaluation Department) who work in women’s development organizations. The study reached many results and among the most important ones was statistical significance effect at level of (0.05≥α) of the organizational ability to adapt results-based monitoring and evaluation system. The studied organizations were concerned about organizational ability and have high leadership which enhanced the organizations performance in monitoring and evaluation. The study recommended that organizations take more care of developing their organizational abilities to allow for the adaption of the M&E system and to reveal the outcomes and impact of the reports.

How To Cite This Article
Thabet , W. M. (2020). The impact of the organizational ability on the adaption of results-based monitoring and evaluation system: an applied study on women's development organizations operating in the Gaza strip . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 9 (1), 122-132,

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