Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 9 - Issue 1 (6) | PP: 66 - 78 Language : العربية

International strategic options affecting the size of foreign investment in Jordan

Dhaher Raddad Al-Qurashi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
4/6/2020 7/7/2020 24/7/2020 3/9/2020
The study aimed to discover the impact of international strategic options on the size of foreign investment in Jordan, the study examined the impact of following international strategic options: (licenses, concessions, contracts), on the size of foreign investments in Jordan: (size of exports, size of imports, size of profits), the study used the descriptive analytical method, study population consisted of foreign employees in that companies that working in Jordan. convenience sample was used, special questionnaire was designed to survey the sample opinions, and collect study data, the study distributed (410) questionnaires on the study sample, the study carried out a survey study to ensure the representative sample, (391) questionnaires were retrieved, SPSS package and statistical methods were used, the study showed a set of results, including: the arithmetic averages ranged were between (4.501 - 4.121) and they all come within a (high) degree, and that the highest arithmetic mean in the international strategic options for entering international markets was for the factor (contracts), the degree of the “contract” factor was "a high", and that the lowest arithmetic mean in the international strategic options for entering international markets was the “concession” factor with arithmetic average (4.121) which is (high) although, the study also showed the highest mean of the dependent variable - the volume of foreign investments was “exports” with value (4,351) and this value is classified according to the adopted scale is (high), and the profit size factor came in the last rank with an arithmetic average of (3.781), in the light of the results of the study, the following recommendations have been formulated: the necessity of attention and care of governmental and private organizations to take care of facilitating legal, administrative and economic procedures to encourage and attract foreign investment to Jordan, facilitating restrictions and procedures of all kinds in front of the movement of exports and imports from / to Jordan, and increasing the interest of foreign companies in international products that are produced in Jordan to make them competitive products in international markets.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Qurashi , D. R. (2020). International strategic options affecting the size of foreign investment in Jordan . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 9 (1), 66-78,

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