Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 5 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 126 - 138 Language : العربية

Human Development Indicators: A Comparative Study Between the Positive and Islamic Economy

Shatha Mousa Rawabdeh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
28/7/2018 15/8/2018 8/9/2018 11/11/2018
This study aims to study the Islamic perspective of human development through many indicators such as health, education and income, in addition to analyzing the reality of development in Jordan through human development indicators issued by the UNDP to formulate policies to raise human development levels commensurate With the size of economic resources and the social situation in the Kingdom. The results of the study showed that the concept of human development as developed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is human development by human beings and for human beings and that it is a process of development and expansion of options available to man as the very essence of the development process itself. While the concept in Islam is a comprehensive concept aimed at finding a good person who wants another life and does not forget his share of the life of this world and achieved a good life, and urged Islam to provide knowledge and attention to the victim and provide physical and psychological security. In addition, the Kingdom's ranking in the Human Development Index declined in 2015 and 2016 to 80th out of 188 countries. The gender gap continued to widen through the Gender Development Index in the country, with Jordan ranking 134th out of 144. While there is a large gap between the outputs of education systems and labor market needs in countries Islamic. The study concluded many recommendations, the most important of which is to raise the standard of living of society through the treatment of unemployment by creating new job opportunities, establishing new industries, and the need to form specialized committees in all governorates of the Kingdom in cooperation with universities in order to create a mechanism of action to serve the community in all fields, In raising the human indicators of the Kingdom.

How To Cite This Article
Rawabdeh , S. M. (2018). Human Development Indicators: A Comparative Study Between the Positive and Islamic Economy . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 5 (2), 126-138,

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