Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 4 - Issue 1 (4) | PP: 46 - 64 Language : العربية
DOI : 10.12816/0048153

Performance Progress of Arab Stock Markets ،their Growth Obstacles and their Development Mechanisms An Analytical Study of the Period (2009-2015)

Zouda Ammar ,
Boukeffa Hamza
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
19/12/2017 7/1/2018 22/1/2018 24/1/2018
This study aims to shed light on Arab securities markets by assessing their activitiy level and their performance during the period (2009-2015), relying on a set of indicators of size and liquidity approved in this field and adopting the descriptive analytical approach. The study concluded that Arab stock markets performance has fluctuated , during the study period and that they suffer from a clear performance gap being affected by the global and Arab events during the study period. This allowed us to identify the main Economic, political, legislative, regulatory and structural obstacles that hindered their development, and to find the most important pillars of their regeneration, to perform the expected economic role by taking several actions to improve their efficiency, such as reviewing the economic, legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks, as well as adopting the appropriate fiscal and monetary policies, with the need to strengthen the coordination and linkage between Arab securities markets as a mechanism to support Arab cooperation. This coordination should include the unification of the procedures and systems governing the operations of Arab markets in harmony with a unified system developed in accordance with Arab surroundings and at the same time consistent with the global changes.

How To Cite This Article
Ammar , Z.& Hamza , B. (2018). Performance Progress of Arab Stock Markets ،their Growth Obstacles and their Development Mechanisms An Analytical Study of the Period (2009-2015) . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 4 (1), 46-64, 10.12816/0048153

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