Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 14 - Issue 3 (6) | PP: 263 - 274 Language : English

The Role of Direct Credit Facilities in Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Jordan Case Study (Islamic International Arab Bank)

Yahya Abdullah Khassawneh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
29/1/2024 15/2/2024 3/3/2024 3/7/2024
Objectives: The study aimed to identify the role of Islamic banks operating in Jordan (Islamic International Arab Bank) in providing appropriate financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, and on the effectiveness of the financing methods adopted in the Jordanian Islamic banks to finance small and medium-sized projects, and on the most important obstacles and difficulties facing Islamic banks (Islamic International Arab Bank) when providing appropriate financing to small and medium-sized enterprises. Methods: The study relied on the descriptive approach in order to describe and explain the role of Islamic banks in financing small and medium enterprises and to identify the most important obstacles faced by Islamic banks. Results: The study concluded that there is a role for Islamic banks in financing small and medium enterprises, which is a strong relationship, since the correlation coefficient is 99.8, and there is an effectiveness of Islamic financing formulas in financing small and medium enterprises. There are some obstacles that Islamic banks (International Arab Islamic Bank) face when providing financing to small and medium enterprises. Conclusion: The study recommended the need for the competent authorities such as the Central Bank to work to provide the elements of success for Islamic banks because of their important role in providing financing for small and medium enterprises. And that Islamic banks should provide feasibility studies for the projects that provide financing to them.

How To Cite This Article
Khassawneh , Y. A. (2024). The Role of Direct Credit Facilities in Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Jordan Case Study (Islamic International Arab Bank). Global Journal of Economics and Business, 14 (3), 263-274, 10.31559/GJEB2024.14.3.6

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