Contemporary Studies in Social Sciences

Volume 1 - Issue 1 (8) | PP: 88 - 100 Language : العربية

Sociological Theories and Political Discourse, Dealing with Social Issues after the Corona Pandemic (COVID-19): an Analytical Study of the Dimensions of Treatment and the Proposed Perception

Ibrahim Ismail Abdo Mohammad
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
22/1/2023 22/3/2023 4/6/2023 20/6/2023
This study aimed to identify the dimensions of employing sociological theories in interpreting the political discourse related to social issues after the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) and to come up with a proposed theoretical vision in this context. The study relied on the descriptive analytical method as a methodological approach. The results of the study concluded that the contributions made by the different theoretical approaches and trends reflect the divergence of interpretations in the light of which we can analyze the political discourse. The results showed that despite the importance of these contributions, the use of any of these theories in understanding the political discourse in dealing with social issues after the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) remains related to the extent to which this is compatible with the goal of the study that it seeks to achieve. Accordingly, the current study reached the possibility of benefiting from the various theoretical discussions in developing the appropriate theoretical approach, and extracting the main arguments on which social issues can be addressed after the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) based on them. The study suggested developing a systematic method for analyzing political discourse on social issues post-COVID-19 by combining research into the latent content and comprehending the apparent text on two complementary levels.

How To Cite This Article
Mohammad , I. I. A. (2023). Sociological Theories and Political Discourse, Dealing with Social Issues after the Corona Pandemic (COVID-19): an Analytical Study of the Dimensions of Treatment and the Proposed Perception. Contemporary Studies in Social Sciences, 1 (1), 88-100,

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