Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 1 - Issue 1 (3) | PP: 29 - 39 Language : English
DOI : 10.12816/0035277

Impact Evaluation of Foreign Assistance and Donors efforts on the Development Performance: Case of Jordan

Sana’ Nayef Elhennawi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
14/6/2016 19/7/2016 2/8/2016 25/8/2016
Foreign aid is essential to enhance economies at poor countries. Regarding to the United Nations approved article that richer countries should assist poor countries by 0.7% of the rich Gross National Product. But still many of these countries did not offer this percentage, where this is restated in 2015 in the Millennium Development Goals Global Assembly. Trillions of US dollars are spent and offered as foreign aid but a little of economic growth has taken place. Political conditions and its reforms are essential to address the growth of Economic Rate of Return (ERR) on foreign aid investment. It appears a positive relationship between foreign aid and economic growth regarding to literature if there is good political environment. Evaluation and empirical studies address that institutional and individual capacity building is not sufficient for conducting evaluations or for accepting of managing foreign aid projects and programmes. Awareness and enforcing institutional and individual capacity building will help a lot to get better impact of these aids on development intervention especially if there is distinguish government support in decision making and facilitating issues.

How To Cite This Article
Elhennawi , S. N. (2016). Impact Evaluation of Foreign Assistance and Donors efforts on the Development Performance: Case of Jordan . Global Journal of Economics and Business, 1 (1), 29-39, 10.12816/0035277

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