Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 12 - Issue 6 (5) | PP: 757 - 778 Language : العربية

The Criteria Followed by Manufacturing Companies in Selecting Insurance Companies (An Applied Case on Industrial Companies in the Bethlehem Governorate)

Lina Ibrahim Sajdieh ,
Nidal Aref Darwish
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
3/9/2022 29/9/2022 26/10/2022 31/12/2022
The current study aimed to identify the criteria industrial companies follow when selecting insurance companies to purchase insurance services. The study employed the descriptive approach to achieve the study's objectives and answer its questions. Statistical analyses were used to analyze the data through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program. The study population consisted of (150) factories in the Bethlehem Governorate, the possible sample (appropriate for the study) was used, and it consisted of (102) factories. The study also used the interview method to ensure that the selection criteria for companies in the questionnaire were in line with the practical reality. Four interviews were conducted with some managers who influence the purchase decision in industrial companies and managers from insurance companies. The study was concluded with several results. First. the most important criteria that affect the decision to choose the industrial companies for the insurance company when purchasing insurance services are the standards of the quality of insurance services, precisely the insurance company's credibility with compensation after the accident. Second, the price standards follow the critical quality standards, specifically the payment facilities standard. Third, the study indicates that the most important environmental factor for industrial companies is the standard of avoiding legal accountability with an arithmetic average (4.12), which suggests that industrial companies follow the laws. Finally, the religious factor has an arithmetic average of (3.27) and political conditions with an arithmetic average of (3.14) suggesting that these factors are less critical for industrial companies. The study recommends that insurance companies should keep improving the quality of insurance services they provide to industrial companies, especially the credibility of service performance. Also, insurance companies should be interested in offering payment facilities to industrial companies to encourage them to buy their services. Finally, the study recommends that industrial companies apply the selection criteria recommended by the study when choosing insurance companies to be able to select the appropriate insurance company.

How To Cite This Article
Sajdieh , L. I.& Darwish , N. A. (2022). The Criteria Followed by Manufacturing Companies in Selecting Insurance Companies (An Applied Case on Industrial Companies in the Bethlehem Governorate). Global Journal of Economics and Business, 12 (6), 757-778,

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