Global Journal of Economics and Business

Volume 12 - Issue 3 (7) | PP: 385 - 405 Language : English

The Role of Business Intelligence in Promoting Decision-Making in Humanitarian Organizations Operating in Turkey, Orange Organization as a Sample

Hany Aldaher ,
Ömer Faruk İŞCAN
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
11/5/2022 21/5/2022 28/5/2022 29/6/2022
This study aimed to identify the relationship between business intelligence systems and the decision-making process of humanitarian organizations operating in Turkey. In this study, the non-experimental quantitative descriptive research method was preferred, which is one of the types of scientific research suitable for the aim of the current research. The number of community members surveyed as a whole was (105) and represent the number of employees in the orange organization for this, data were collected and analyzed, and hypotheses were tested using SPSS. Several tests were conducted suitable for research, including noting the correlations between the variables, in addition to looking at the averages and proving the hypotheses. After conducting the process of analyzing the study data and its hypotheses, the study reached several results, the most prominent of which are first: There is a strong correlation between business intelligence systems and the decision-making process in humanitarian organizations operating in Turkey at the level of significance α ≤ 0.05. Second: There is a positive correlation between the quality of information and the quality of systems used in business intelligence systems and both user satisfaction and perceived value and its use in humanitarian organizations operating in Turkey at the level of significance α ≤ 0.05. Third: There is a positive correlation between the satisfaction of users of business intelligence systems with regard to decision-making in humanitarian organizations operating in Turkey at the specified significance level α ≤ 0.05.

How To Cite This Article
Aldaher , H. & İŞCAN , Ö. F. (2022). The Role of Business Intelligence in Promoting Decision-Making in Humanitarian Organizations Operating in Turkey, Orange Organization as a Sample. Global Journal of Economics and Business, 12 (3), 385-405, 10.31559/GJEB2022.12.3.7

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