International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 3 - Issue 2 (3) | PP: 107 - 121 Language : العربية

Synchronicity in Arabic language (semantic study)

Fouad Hamada
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
18/5/2021 7/6/2021 19/6/2021 17/7/2021
Synchronicity has been frequently used in modern sciences, both linguistically and idiomatically, which necessitated ingraining its meaning and the manner it is used. As for our ancient linguistic dictionaries and grammatical resources, synchronicity has been neglected, and the grammarians confined themselves with dealing with the verb tense and associating it with the adverb as the subject of the event. The importance of this research stems from the need for the eloquent use, the pursuit of linguistic correctness so that the pronouncement of the word matches its meaning, knowing the language structures that express the intention and to fulfill the purpose as well. This study aims to identify the lexical items, structures, expressions and linguistic methods used by Arabs to link two events that occurred in one period, besides taking advantage of them in a contemporary use to ensure the integrity of the language. The researcher adopted the descriptive besides the inductive approach, whereby the researcher followed the linguistic evidence from the Holy Qur’an and words of Arabs that were used in their prose and poetry. He also attempted to extract the rule to use synchronicity both linguistically and idiomatically. The researcher concluded that synchronicity is branch over tense is in the past, present, or future, which combines two events occurring at the same time, or between two concurrent events, as it is expressed in a morphological form, a grammatical structure, or a verbal context.

How To Cite This Article
Hamada , F. (2021). Synchronicity in Arabic language (semantic study) . International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 3 (2), 107-121,

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