International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 3 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 65 - 85 Language : العربية

Heritage in the poetry of sakhr Habash Abi Nizar (Part Two)

Nadi Sari Al-Deek
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
2/3/2021 20/3/2021 8/4/2021 17/7/2021
Heritage is a word that has its own significant meaning in the minds of literature creators and recipients alike, making contemporary poets interact with it through their creative texts, Sakhr Habash is one of those poets who have made heritage as an effective one with all its components, and its strength in their poetic texts, He started to create a completed poetry status full of heritage images and achievements, humanitarian heritage was present, spiritual Arab and Islamic heritage was very clear and sequential in his poetic texts, which makes his poem teeming with viable heritage and its components, whether through traditional characters or titles or creative different original texts, religious or literature, were he used to depend on for his poetry, and this does not mean that he made a heavy load on the spiritual heritage text, but we find him building his texts decorated with heritage that enriches the text and make it close to the minds of those who receive it, and those who interact with it, because heritage became an active factor in Sakhr Habash poetic poem.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Deek , N. S. (2021). Heritage in the poetry of sakhr Habash Abi Nizar (Part Two) . International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 3 (2), 65-85,

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