International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 6 - Issue 3 (1) | PP: 102 - 117 Language : العربية

The Influence of the French Language on the Abéché Dialect (Applied Descriptive Study)

Ahmat Ibrahim Harane ,
Aziber Adoum Aziber
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
2/12/2023 26/6/2024 11/8/2024 25/9/2024
Objectives: The study aimed to know the extent of the influence of the imported French language on the local Abeche Arabic dialect and the conflict that occurred between the two languages. The study also addressed the victory of the Arabic dialect over the French language in the popular community. Methods: We relied on the descriptive, inductive and historical approaches, through which we were able to identify many of the vocabulary and phrases used in Chadian colloquial. Conclusions: The study concluded that the Abeche dialect was influenced by the French language. But most of the influence was on vocabulary, and the study also concluded that the words used in means of transportation and modern technological means, especially electronics, are mostly called by foreign names, but they have been Arabized and integrated into the Chadian colloquial dictionary.

How To Cite This Article
Harane , A. I.& Aziber , A. A. (2024). The Influence of the French Language on the Abéché Dialect (Applied Descriptive Study) . International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6 (3), 102-117,

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