International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies

Volume 6 - Issue 2 (3) | PP: 82 - 91 Language : English

Is Islam a Religion of Peace, or Violence and Terror? A Socio-Cultural Study

Mahmoud Kanakri ,
Mohammad Shihab
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
5/3/2024 5/5/2024 5/6/2024 9/7/2024
Objectives: The present paper endeavors to tackle an important topic that pertains to peace in the case of all people of the world, including Arabs and all Muslims. It also covers the nature and psychology of Muslims in general and Arabs, in particular. Methods: The paper employs a descriptive statistical method based on the frequency of peace, war, and violence terms in the Holy Koran, the method of compiling the data for this study includes surveying all the words that recur in the Holy Quran by reference to Al-fahras Almugjam, written by Abdel-baqi Fuad. All the words related to the root 'salam' are calculated and analyzed. Conclusions: The findings of the paper include a number of points, such as the point that peace is an integral part of thought and belief in Islam. Arabs and Muslims are peaceful people; they wish all peoples happy life and believe in co-existence with all nations, but at the same time, they like other nations to respect them and deal with them as strong and brave people as their religion wants them to be.

How To Cite This Article
Kanakri , M. & Shihab , M. (2024). Is Islam a Religion of Peace, or Violence and Terror? A Socio-Cultural Study. International Journal for Arabic Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6 (2), 82-91, 10.31559/JALLS2024.6.2.3

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