International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 11 - Issue 2 (9) | PP: 397 - 418 Language : Arabic

The Role of Family Education Teachers in Promoting Digital Citizenship Concepts Among Intermediate Schoolgirls in Riyadh

Maha Ali Al-Namlah ,
Galya Hamad Sulaiman Al-Sulim
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
9/12/2021 18/12/2021 2/1/2022 21/4/2022
This research aims to examine the role of family education teachers in promoting digital citizenship concepts among intermediate schoolgirls in Riyadh. To achieve the research objective, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach and designed a questionnaire of 39 items distributed over 4 topics (digital behavior, digital commerce, digital health and safety, and digital rights and responsibilities). The research population includes all family education teachers in Riyadh, totaling 314 teachers, where 204 of them responded. The results showed that the role of family education teachers in promoting digital citizenship concepts among intermediate schoolgirls in Riyadh was rated very high on the tool in general, and the concepts of digital behavior, digital commerce, and digital health and safety that have hold on to their awareness in a very high degree while the results of the concept of digital rights and responsibilities were rated high. The results showed no statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample members on the role of family education teachers in promoting digital citizenship concepts among schoolgirls according to the variable of teaching experiences and training courses. In light of the research findings, the researchers have recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which is to include the concepts of digital citizenship in the family education courses for all stages of the general education, to allow digital access for students by benefiting from the learning resource room and computer labs, to make teachers and students aware of the necessity of respecting the intellectual property rights and the electronic copyrights, and to hold training and developing programs for teachers and students on digital marketing and commerce.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Namlah , M. A.& Al-Sulim , G. H. S. (2022). The Role of Family Education Teachers in Promoting Digital Citizenship Concepts Among Intermediate Schoolgirls in Riyadh . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 11 (2), 397-418,

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