International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 3 - Issue 1

The Functional Language Skills Necessary for Students with Mental Disabilities at the Vocational Preparation Stage in Schools of Intellectual Education
Hassan sayed shata , Ali Saad Gaballah , Ataa Mohamed Behery , Mohamed Ahmed Ahmed Fathi Zoghary

DOI: 10.12816/0047959

Self-Expression Skills and its Relationship Between the Symptoms of Psychosomatic Disorders in the Victims Women
Yahya Mubarak Kkatatbeh , Moqefa Bent Qasm Ben Mesfer Al Otaibi

DOI: 10.12816/0047962

Bibliographic Information Email: DOI: 10.31559/EPS ISSN 2520-4149 (Online) ISSN 2520-4130 (Print) Freq. : Bimonthly Language : Arabic , English Articles : 523

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