General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 7 - Issue 1 (5) | PP: 39 - 44 Language : English

A New Parameter Conjugate Gradient Method Based on Three Terms Unconstrained Optimization

Hussein Ageel Khatab ,
Salah Gazi Shareef
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
14/10/2019 29/10/2019 10/11/2019 27/11/2019
In this paper, we suggest a new conjugate gradient method for solving nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems by using three term conjugate gradient method, We give a descent condition and the sufficient descent condition of the suggested method.

How To Cite This Article
Khatab , H. A. & Shareef , S. G. (2019). A New Parameter Conjugate Gradient Method Based on Three Terms Unconstrained Optimization . General Letters in Mathematics, 7 (1), 39-44, 10.31559/glm2019.7.1.5

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