International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 9 - Issue 3 (13) | PP: 934 - 951 Language : العربية

The predictive validity of admission criteria and scores of graduation course as predictor for student's cumulative scores in computer college at university of Tabuk

Lamis Abdulrahman Aljuhni ,
Shaher Khaled Sulaiman
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
7/10/2020 22/10/2020 28/10/2020 13/6/2021
The aim of study was to identify the predictive validity of admission criteria and score of graduation courses as predictor for student's cumulative scores (GPA) at Computer Science department on faculty of computer and information technology at university during academic years 1435H, 1436H, 1437H, 1438H, 1439H, and 1440H, the study use descriptive method to achieve the result it task, correlation, Enter and Stepwise methods of multiple regression analysis techniques used on scores of 617 graduated student (male and female). The model produced by study interpret 59% of variance on GPA ,the variables interpret the variance of student GPA as following: graduation project2 course score interpret 33%, school GPA interpret 27% Achievement test interpret 20%, graduation project1 course score interpret 19%, and ability test interpret 12% ,the study found that there is difference in predictive model according to gender variable, based on study finding ,the study recommended to Reconsidering the weighted ratio of admission criteria and Supporting students to complete distinguished graduation projects.

How To Cite This Article
Aljuhni , L. A.& Sulaiman , S. K. (2021). The predictive validity of admission criteria and scores of graduation course as predictor for student's cumulative scores in computer college at university of Tabuk . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 9 (3), 934-951,

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