International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 9 - Issue 2 (11) | PP: 533 - 551 Language : العربية

Islamic rooting for emotional intelligence in educational administration

Rahaf Faisal Maatouk Bah
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
18/8/2020 3/9/2020 9/9/2020 12/4/2021
The aim of the current research is to identify the Islamic rooting for emotional intelligence in educational administration according to the foundations of Islamic rooting, and the basic concepts around which the doctrines and legislations of Islam revolve around. And its types, which include emotional intelligence, the concept of emotional intelligence, its origin, importance, and dimensions, and the most important characteristics of the educational leader, its models, and emotional intelligence in light of Vision 2030, and the second topic contained the concept of Islamic rooting, its importance, goals, foundations, basic concepts of beliefs and how It was established according to it in the educational administrative field, and the research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: that despite the importance of emotional intelligence in the administrative field in general, there is a lack of studies that deal with it in the educational administrative field, as it was noted that previous studies on rooting were focused on Establishing psychological and social sciences, the researcher recommended several recommendations, the most important of which are: Researchers and researchers should draw more attention to their studies On the subject of emotional intelligence in educational management, they should also research more in the field of Islamic rooting and understand it more deeply, then focus their studies on educational management sciences

How To Cite This Article
Bah , R. F. M. (2021). Islamic rooting for emotional intelligence in educational administration . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 9 (2), 533-551,

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