International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 8 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 203 - 224 Language : العربية

Suggested proposal for sustainable alternatives of the professional development of teachers in the light of the National vision 2030 of K.S.A

Othman A. Alghtani
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
19/2/2020 5/3/2020 12/3/2020 12/10/2020
The aim of current study assesses the reality of sustainable professional development for teachers, and determines Alternatives of the Professional development of teachers in the light of the National vision 2030 of K.S.A through Suggested Proposal. To achieve the aim of this study, the literature and previous studies, and the National Vision (2030) were analyzed to identify a list of alternatives to the professional development of teachers. The study depends on the descriptive and analytical approach. The questionnaire was prepared including (40) items related to: the reality of professional development, obstacles, the degree of importance of professional development alternatives, and training needs. The study sample consists of (97) teachers at Tabuk city according to (education stage, subjects, and experiences). The main finding is, there are a lot obstacles related to professional development. The suggested proposal of alternatives professional development is prepared including: principles, aims, content, strategies, and tools for evaluation and follow-up.

How To Cite This Article
Alghtani , O. A. (2020). Suggested proposal for sustainable alternatives of the professional development of teachers in the light of the National vision 2030 of K.S.A . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 8 (2), 203-224,

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