International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 8 - Issue 1 (12) | PP: 180 - 202 Language : العربية

The big five factors of personality and its relationship to Dogmatism in a sample of prisoners In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Khaled bin Mohammad Qalyoubi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
22/6/2020 7/7/2020 23/7/2020 11/8/2020
The study aims to reveal the relationship of the big five factors of personality (diastolic, neuroticism, vigilance of conscience, acceptability, openness to experiences) and their relationship to Dogmatism in a sample of prisoners, with some demographic variables (Education- age- type of sentencing). The sample of the study consisted of (120) male prisoners only, who were selected with simple random inspection from the prisons of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (General prison in Mecca- General prison in Jeddah- General prison in Qurayyat), There are several reasons for their sentencing (criminal and moral- drug use and promotion- legal). Their ages ranged between (25 years to less than 45 years, from 45 years and over), A measure of the big five factors of personality (John, Donahue and Kentle, 1991), translated into Arabic by Ahmed (2013). And Dogmatism scale, Rokeach (1990), translated into Arabic and standardization of the scale on the Saudi environment by (Khoj, 2008) was applied on the sample of study. The results indicated that the absence of a statistically significant correlation between some of the big five factors of personality, which are both the dimensionality (extroversion- openness- acceptability) and the overall score of the scale of the the big five factors of personality and between Dogmatism. While there is a direct relationship between both the factor (neuroticism) and the inverse relationship between the factor (awakening of conscience) and Dogmatism,The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences between the education variable (higher- medium), and the big five factors of personality except after (conscience awakening), and differences were found in the direction of those with higher and middle education, and that there were differences in the big five factors of personality with different age variable except After (openness), While statistically significant differences appeared in the prisoners' degrees on the total score for the scale of the five major factors of the personality attributable to both the age variable and in favor of the age group of (20-40) years, We find the differences in each dimension (vigilance of conscience- admissibility) in the direction of addiction, while the differences went towards criminal cases in each of the (neuroticism - the overall degree of the scale). While statistically, significant differences were found between each dimension (neuroticism- acceptability- vigilanc e of conscience- and the total degree) of Dimensions of the big five factors of personality. Dogmatism differed according to the level of education variable, while it did not differ according to the agevariable, the type of judgment) among the prisoners. The study presented a number of tests of appropriate counseling programs for the youth category on the nature of the mono vision disorder and its dangerous effects that affect the formation of the individual's personality, and prevents the individual from adapting to himself, others and the society in which he lives. And proposals such as studying the relationship between the five major factors in personality and mono vision when performing the role of social observation.

How To Cite This Article
Qalyoubi , K. b. M. (2020). The big five factors of personality and its relationship to Dogmatism in a sample of prisoners In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 8 (1), 180-202,

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