International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 7 - Issue 3 (6) | PP: 488 - 499 Language : العربية

The Performing Skills in the Graphic Design Course for Visual Media in the Field of Educational Technology for the Undergraduate Stage in the Middle East University and the Extent of Applying it from the Student’s Point of View

Lina Rasem Arafeh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
18/11/2019 3/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/6/2020
This study aimed to determine the performance skills (practical) in the graphic design for visual media in the educational technology specialization for a bachelor's degree at the University of the Middle East using the content analysis tool, and to determine the extent of students' application of the performance skills (practical) included in the course and applied using the program (Adobe Photoshop cc) from their point of view. The study sample consisted of (15) students, and the results of the study showed that the number of practical performance skills found in the course are (35) skills, and the extent of students' applying of it from their point of view has reached 79.68%, with an arithmetic average of (3.98) which classified the application as a high degree. The researcher recommends focusing on activating and linking computer software to produce electronic educational content and analyzing more courses related to educational technology; identifying practical performance skills included in it. Where the researcher noted the scarcity of research in the field of analysis for the course of Education Technology in order to identify strengths points and identify weaknesses points to solve them, enhance the role of projects for the courses of the practical materials.

How To Cite This Article
Arafeh , L. R. (2020). The Performing Skills in the Graphic Design Course for Visual Media in the Field of Educational Technology for the Undergraduate Stage in the Middle East University and the Extent of Applying it from the Student’s Point of View . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 7 (3), 488-499,

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