General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 4 - Issue 3 (5) | PP: 120 - 130 Language : English

A Model of Oral and Parenteral Drug Administration with Control

Nzerem, F.E ,
Ugorji H.C
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
25/8/2018 13/9/2018 15/11/2018 5/1/2019
Drug administration is largely a frontier in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Kinetics and dynamics are of science in general, and therefore issues on drug administration may be of interdisciplinary interest. This paper treated pharmacokinetics from the standpoints of a subject-specific drug administration and control. A compartment-based mathematical model of drug administration was presented. Besides the endearing impacts of drug administration, the optimal control of drug regimen is a sine qua non to the therapeutic benefits derivable from a drug at the physiologic site(s). This argument motivated the control method applied hereto. The variable of interest for control is the time-dependent drug concentration in the bloodstream. It was considered essential since the concentration of a drug in the body within a finite time horizon is partly a measure of therapeutic response. To this end, the optimal controller discussed here must be, and indeed is, the one that could furnish the concentration that is both therapy-effectual and time-minimizing. It is only when these two conditions are met that a drug regimen may be seen to have achieved the desired goal

How To Cite This Article
F.E , N. & H.C , U. (2019). A Model of Oral and Parenteral Drug Administration with Control . General Letters in Mathematics, 4 (3), 120-130, 10.31559/glm2018.4.3.5

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