International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 6 - Issue 2 (8) | PP: 267 - 293 Language : العربية

The Relationship between the Addictive use of the Social Media Sites, Psychological Security and Getting Involved in Cyber Crime

Abeer Mohamed Al Sabban ,
Samah Eid Al-Harbi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
12/9/2019 30/9/2019 12/10/2019 15/10/2019
This study aimed at showing the relationship between the addictive use of social media, psychological security, and getting involved in cybercrime. A total of (252) youth from Taibah University completed scales developed for this study (Psychological security scale, getting involved in cyber crime through social media scale), and the uses of social media sites scale (Kelewy, 2017). The study results proved that the most of youth had their own account on social media (95.6%), "Snapchat" application was the most used (23.0%), most of sample were used social media sites at a rate of more than four hours a day, and the main reason of this use was just entertainment. The study found a significant negative correlation between the addictive use of social media sites and psychological security. Also, the results showed a significant positive correlation between the addictive use of social media sites and getting involved in cyber crime. The results have also been shown a significant negative correlation between psychological securityand involvement in cyber crime through social media sites.

How To Cite This Article
Al Sabban , A. M.& Al-Harbi , S. E. (2019). The Relationship between the Addictive use of the Social Media Sites, Psychological Security and Getting Involved in Cyber Crime . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 6 (2), 267-293,

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