International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 5 - Issue 3 (5) | PP: 297 - 318 Language : العربية

The Effectiveness of a Training Program in Developing Self-Marketing Skills among Grade Eleven Students in Sultanate of Oman

Maryam Bint Marzouq AL-Yahya'ya ,
Muna Bint Abdullah Al Bahranyah ,
Ali Mahdi Kazem
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
28/4/2019 15/5/2019 17/6/2019 24/6/2019
The current study aimed at examining the effectiveness of a training program according to the theoretical model of self- efficacy in developing the skills of self-marketing among grade eleven students in North Al-Batenah Governorate. The study sample consisted of (115) students (male and female) and they were randomly divided into two groups control group and experimental group. The experimental group consisted of (60) students (male and female). The experimental group received a training program while the control group composed of (55) male and female has been received normal exercises within career guidance classes. The study was based on the semi-experimental approach. The researcher developed a scale of selfmarketing skills. The scale consisted of (59) statements that are distributed among six domains that include ideas' marketing, skills marketing, self-development, taking responsibility, group work and personal-mark marketing. The validity and reliability of the scale was obtained. The results of the study showed significant statistical differences between mean scores of the control and the experimental group on the self-marketing skills scale. The differences were favor of the experimental group. Also the results illustrate significant statistical differences between the mean scores of the pre-test and the post-test of self-marketing skills in favor of the post-test. In addition, the results showed significant statistical differences in the pre-test of selfmarketing skills in relation to the gender. Also, the results of the two-way ANOVA show that there was interaction between the student's gender and the group to which belongs. The results were discussed in the light of the theoretical framework and the literature. The study ended with some recommendations and suggestions in relation to the results.

How To Cite This Article
AL-Yahya'ya , M. B. M., et al. (2019). The Effectiveness of a Training Program in Developing Self-Marketing Skills among Grade Eleven Students in Sultanate of Oman . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 5 (3), 297-318,

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