International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 5 - Issue 2 (6) | PP: 178 - 192 Language : العربية

The Impact of the Barman Model in the Development of High-Grade Thinking among Students in the Fifth Grade Preparatory in Islamic Education in the State of Iraq

Raed Idris Mahmoud ,
Ihsan Nadher Hussein
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
21/4/2019 2/5/2019 9/5/2019 11/5/2019
The current research aims to identify the "impact of the Barman model in high-level thinking among fifth grade students in Islamic education in the State of Iraq" The researcher formulated the following zero hypothesis: "There is no statistically significant difference at (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group using the Barman model and the mean scores of the control group students who are studying using the standard method of post-high-level thinking" In order to achieve the research objective, the researcher followed the experimental method. He chose the experimental design with partial control of the experimental and control groups. His choice was intentional, because the experimental approach is the closest method of research to solve the problems in the scientific way, and the most suitable approach to solving the educational problems and developing the education structure and its different systems. (Melhem, 2002: 388) The research society consists of the students of the fifth grade preparatory / scientific branch in the city of Tikrit center (Iraq), which number (414) students, which equivalent to stage (11) in a number of Arab countries, and chose one of the morning economics of the Department of Education Salah Eddin / Department of Education Tikrit, Ibn al-Mu'tam for boys located in Tikrit Al-Qadisiyah neighborhood. The research society consists of the students of the fifth grade preparatory / scientific branch in the city of Tikrit center (Iraq), which number (414) students, which equivalent to stage (11) in a number of Arab countries, and chose one of the morning economics of the Department of Education Salah Eddin / Department of Education Tikrit, Ibn al-Mu'tam for boys located in Tikrit Al-Qadisiyah neighborhood. The number of students in the research sample was 63 students, distributed in two groups to be one of them experimental and the number of students was 33 students, the other was an officer and the number of students was 30 students. , The tribal test of high-level thinking), and the results showed that the experimental group exceeded the control group in the post-test of high-level thinking,The researcher presented a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

How To Cite This Article
Mahmoud , R. I.& Hussein , I. N. (2019). The Impact of the Barman Model in the Development of High-Grade Thinking among Students in the Fifth Grade Preparatory in Islamic Education in the State of Iraq . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 5 (2), 178-192,

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