International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 4 - Issue 1 (6) | PP: 96 - 112 Language : العربية

The Requirements to Develop Curriculum Construction Course form the Point of Views of the Students and Teaching Staff in the King Faisal University

Mohannad A. Aljafary ,
Shaher R. Elayyan
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
3/6/2018 29/6/2018 16/7/2018 15/8/2018
The current study falls in line with the contemporary effort aiming towards developing teaching and learning system in King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia. It aims to investigate the requirements necessary to develop Curriculum Construction course for the students in The Faculty of Education. The descriptive survey approach was adopted in the methodology of the study, and the questionnaire which included 60 items as its tool which were distributed to three fields: course's items, teaching procedures and learning resources. The study sample consisted of (20) related teaching staff and students (75 male and 58 female) that choosing randomly. Study findings showed the importance of some items to teach this course such as: the relationship between the curriculum and the society issues, and study the Saudi Arabia experiment in the field of the development curriculum. The findings also emphasized the importance of some procedures during teaching the course such as: diversification between questions in the achievement tests, existing a suitable number of students in each section and neglecting the academic abstracts and summations as the learning resources.

How To Cite This Article
Aljafary , M. A.& Elayyan , S. R. (2018). The Requirements to Develop Curriculum Construction Course form the Point of Views of the Students and Teaching Staff in the King Faisal University . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 4 (1), 96-112,

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