General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 4 - Issue 1 (4) | PP: 23 - 35 Language : English

The Fischer-Cliford Matrices and Character Table of the Split Extension Group 2^5:SL(5,2)

Rauhi I. Elkhatib
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
5/10/2017 15/11/2017 26/12/2017 25/3/2018
The group G ̅=2^5:SL(5,2) is a maximal subgroup of the special linear group SL(6,2) of index 2016. This Group has two inertia factor groups namely, SL(5,2) and 2^4:SL(4,2) of indices 1 and 31 respectively in SL(5, 2). The aim of this paper is to construct the Fischer-Clifford matrices of G ̅, which together with the associated partial character tables of the inertia groups, are used to compute the full charter table of G ̅. There are 27 Ficsher-Clifford matrices with sizes between 1×1 and 3×3.

How To Cite This Article
, R. I. E. (2018). The Fischer-Cliford Matrices and Character Table of the Split Extension Group 2^5:SL(5,2) . General Letters in Mathematics, 4 (1), 23-35, DOI:10.31559/glm2016.4.1.4

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