General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 2 - Issue 2 (8) | PP: 94 - 98 Language : English

Source to Coast Pollutants Distribution in Tangier Area: Arc GIS Interpolation and Finite Element Methods

Saiida Lazaar ,
Siham Abourida
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
23/1/2017 12/3/2017 15/4/2017 20/4/2017
This work attempts a contribution for studying marine pollution from a numerical point of view and aims to offer some solutions for the preservation of marine environment. For more reliability, Tangier bay (North of Morocco) was chosen as a study area. We underline that the main topic of this paper deals with numerical simulation and interpolation of hydrocarbons and heavy metals concentrations; both of these harmful pollutants are spilled into Tangier bay. We define a mathematical model built on a system of Navier-Stokes and convection-dispersion equations in order to estimate contaminant concentration by a finite element method using FreeFem++ software. Otherwise, we perform a spatial interpolation for heavy metals concentrations in order to take into account actual data and to validate numerical tests. Finally, the paper exhibits results from both finite element and Arc GIS interpolation methods, and it is a continuation of some of our published works

How To Cite This Article
Lazaar , S. & Abourida , S. (2017). Source to Coast Pollutants Distribution in Tangier Area: Arc GIS Interpolation and Finite Element Methods . General Letters in Mathematics, 2 (2), 94-98, DOI:10.31559/glm2016.2.2.8

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