International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 13 - Special Issue (HCO Conference) (7) | PP: 645 - 655 Language : العربية

The Role of the Media in Integrating and Raising Awareness of People with Disabilities about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law 2017

Muna Eid Abdulrahman Abujame
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
24/5/2024 25/6/2024 29/6/2024 23/7/2024
Objectives: This study aimed to determine the extent to which persons with disabilities are aware of the rights guaranteed by the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. 20 of 2017 and the source of that knowledge. It also aimed to evaluate the performance of the media in raising awareness about the provisions of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. 20 of 2017 across different fields. Additionally, the study sought to assess the consideration of general media policies in creating content related to persons with disabilities. Methods: This study using an in-depth interview tool and applying the descriptive approach. Results: The study concluded with several findings, including a significant weakness in the media's coverage of the provisions of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. 20 of 2017. The extent of the media's contribution to raising awareness about this law falls short of expectations. The limited space allocated to this law and disability issues in general is characterized by weak performance. Performance is defined by the depth of coverage, efforts to provide solutions, continuity in coverage, and tracking developments. A large proportion of the sample, 86.5%, rated the media's coverage of issues related to participation in the democratic process at various levels as weak. The highest percentage indicating that the performance was average, 28.8%, related to coverage of cultural and artistic topics. The same percentage (28.8%) evaluated the performance as very good in the context of sports and talents. The media has not successfully achieved a good balance in its content concerning gender and age, nor in the mechanisms of interaction during the participation of persons with disabilities in media content. Conclusions: Based on the study's findings, we recommend the following: It is essential for the media, through its various institutions, to raise awareness among persons with disabilities about the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. 20 of 2017 and to explain the amendments made to it by creating suitable content and communication messages. Social media platforms should be used as a tool to accelerate their reach. Media institutions should strive to cover all areas included in the aforementioned law, with a particular focus on areas that are not usually addressed. This study highlighted that the most important areas include participation in the democratic process, health and education issues, and the provision of employment opportunities.

How To Cite This Article
Abujame , M. E. A. (2024). The Role of the Media in Integrating and Raising Awareness of People with Disabilities about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law 2017. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 13 (Special), 645-655,

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