International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 3 (9) | PP: 554 - 562 Language : العربية

Perceptions of English Teachers Towards Using Machine Translation in Learning and Instruction

Mohammed Hassan Albhere ,
Riyadh Abdulrahman Alhassan
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
7/12/2022 26/12/2022 10/1/2023 18/6/2023
The study aimed at identifying the perceptions of English Teachers about using MT (Machine Translation) in Instruction and Learning. A descriptive method was used to analyze the data. A stratified sample of (56) English Teachers was surveyed. A refereed five points Likert -type questionnaire of three sections was used. The results of the study showed that most of participants have knowledge about MT, but only (51.8%) used it in preparing their lessons, although they knew common translation applications. Moreover, 35,7% of participants had learned this concept during studying at university. Google Translation was the first choice for participants. The study revealed that there was a lack in raising awareness of teachers towards the importance of using machine translation by supervisors. In addition, majority of learners use machine translation in doing their writing task. The study finally recommended the need of training programs and workshops for English teachers in using machine translation in instruction. Machine Translation concept was suggested to include in university's curriculum. The study suggested English's supervisors to play an important role in raising awareness of teachers in using machine translation in instruction.

How To Cite This Article
Albhere , M. H.& Alhassan , R. A. (2023). Perceptions of English Teachers Towards Using Machine Translation in Learning and Instruction. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (3), 554-562,

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