International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 12 - Issue 1 (2) | PP: 18 - 34 Language : العربية

The Role of Madrasati Platform in Promoting the Professional Development in Light of Crises such as the Corona Pandemic from the point of view of Special Education Teachers in Primary Stage in Tabuk City

Manal Rahil Al Aomrane
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
30/8/2022 8/10/2022 27/10/2022 27/2/2023
The study aimed to identify the role of the Madrasati platform in promoting professional development in light of crises such as the Corona pandemic from the point of view of teachers of special education in Tabuk city and to identify the differences between the average responses of the sample members according to the following variables: gender, specialization, years of experience, training courses). The study adopted the descriptive survey approach to achieve the objectives. The sample had (193) male and female teachers of special education in the primary stage in Tabuk city; they were chosen by the stratified random method. To collect data, the study used questionnaires, which consisted of several main axes: the axis of professional knowledge, the axis of professional practice, and the axis of professional values and practices. The findings showed that the arithmetic mean of all axes was high. The arithmetic average of the axes reached (3.15), and the ranking of the axes according to their arithmetic averages was as follows: the axis of professional values and responsibilities came in the first order with an average of (3.21) at a high degree, followed by the axis of knowledge Professionalism with a mean of (3.14) and a high degree, and finally the axis of professional practice with a mean of (3.11) and a high degree .Therefore, the study recommends The optimal investment of the Madrasati platform for teaching people with special needs and the necessity of training teachers to use electronic educational platforms.

How To Cite This Article
Al Aomrane , M. R. (2023). The Role of Madrasati Platform in Promoting the Professional Development in Light of Crises such as the Corona Pandemic from the point of view of Special Education Teachers in Primary Stage in Tabuk City. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12 (1), 18-34,

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