General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 11 - Issue 1 (3) | PP: 12 - 17 Language : English

The relationship between petroleum price and real exchange rate: an example of Iraq

Dindar Saeed Saeed ,
Sadeq Taha Abdulazeez ,
Sarbast Kamal Rasheed ,
Rogash Younis Masiha ,
Diyar Hashim Malo
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
21/8/2021 29/8/2021 3/9/2021 26/10/2021
Petroleum is one of the world's most important economic products. It is widely accepted that petroleum is not only an energy product, but also a financial asset. Therefore, it is important to understand the dependence of petroleum prices on economic conditions and financial markets and how they can affect the world economy. The fluctuations in world petroleum prices affect the economies of petroleum importing countries through different channels. One of the most important of these influence channels is the exchange rate. Because changes in exchange rates cause different economic problems in fragile economies. Changes in petroleum prices affect the economic performance of any country through various channels. One of the channels of influence is exchange rates. Petroleum prices affect the transfer of income from petroleum exporting countries to petroleum importing countries through trade and thus determine the exchange rate. In this study, the Relationship between Petroleum Price and Real Exchange Rate in Iraq was examined by ADF unit root test, Johansen-Juselius cointegration test and Granger causality analysis. For the analysis, the Petroleum Price and Real Exchange Rate data of Iraq were taken from the official website of the World Bank and transferred to the Eviews 10 program and necessary analyzes were made. The results of the analysis were analyzed and interpreted in tables.

How To Cite This Article
Saeed , D. S.Abdulazeez , S. T.Rasheed , S. K.Masiha , R. Y. & Malo , D. H. (2021). The relationship between petroleum price and real exchange rate: an example of Iraq . General Letters in Mathematics, 11 (1), 12-17, 10.31559/glm2021.11.1.3

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