International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 11 - Issue 6 (11) | PP: 1331 - 1350 Language : العربية

The Amount of Availability of Scientific Thinking Skills that are Derived from the Holy Quran in Islamic Education Books for Post-Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman

Hassan Mohammad Al-Omari ,
Ameera Bint Mohammad Al-Alawiya
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
8/8/2022 20/8/2022 9/9/2022 22/12/2022
The current study aimed to reveal the percentages of the included scientific thinking skills derived from the Holy Quran in the activities of Islamic education books for the eleventh and twelfth grades in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve this, the researcher prepared a list of (8) skills of scientific thinking derived from the Holy Quran that should be included in the activities for the eleventh and twelfth grades, which are (observation, measurement, classification, inference, extrapolation, deduction, prediction, and use of numbers). The study aimed to analyze all the activities of Islamic education books for the eleventh and twelfth grades, which are (240) activities to analyze these activities. The researcher used an analysis card, which was derived from the list of scientific thinking skills derived from the Holy Quran that must be included in the activities of Islamic education books to analyze these activities. The results of the study resulted in an improvement in the inference skill compared to the rest of the skills from the eleventh and twelfth grade activities where it got the highest percentages, which is (40.5%), as for the twelfth grade is (52.5%), followed by the induction skill which reached (20.7%), and for the twelfth (25.8%), then the skill of induction Observation with a percentage of (19.8%), as for the twelfth grade with a percentage of (19.8%), then the classification skill with a percentage of (4.16%), as for the twelfth grade deduction skill with a percentage of (7.20%), then the prediction skill with a percentage of ( 3.33%), as for the twelfth grade, the skills of classification and observation is (5.40%), then the skill of deduction by (1.67%), then the skill of counting and measurement by (0.08%), as for the twelfth grade Counting skill by (0.90%), then measuring skill (0%). As a summary of the results and their discussion, the study made a number of recommendations, the most important of which are: Developing the activities of the Islamic education book for the eleventh and twelfth grades, which leads to addressing the shortcomings in including some of the scientific thinking skills that were clarified by the results of the study, such as: the skill of measurement and counting, and diversification in the activities of Islamic education books in different grades to include training in all scientific thinking skills.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Omari , H. M.& Al-Alawiya , A. B. M. (2022). The Amount of Availability of Scientific Thinking Skills that are Derived from the Holy Quran in Islamic Education Books for Post-Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 11 (6), 1331-1350,

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