International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 11 - Issue 5 (5) | PP: 998 - 1012 Language : العربية

Effect of the Blended Learning Method on Developing the Writing Skill of the Students of the First Three Grades in the Karak Education Directorate

Yazan Saleem Al-Owaisat ,
Mohammed lbrahim Al- Ghaziwat
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
27/3/2022 6/4/2022 30/4/2022 21/10/2022
This study aimed to know the effect of the blended learning method on developing the writing skill of the students of the first three grades in the Karak Education Directorate. The students' writing skills and their level were tested. The study sample consisted of (29) male and female students who took a pre-test for writing skill and their results were low. Students from the three divisions were randomly selected to join the application of the strategy or method based on blended learning. The writing test (prepared by the researcher, and the strategy based on blended learning) was used, and the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the control and experimental group students in the post application to test writing skills and its dimensions in favor of the experimental group, and there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of members of the experimental group in the pre and post measurements in favor of the post application to test writing skills and its dimensions, which confirms the effectiveness of the training program in improving students' levels. The study recommended that attention should be paid when training in writing skills to access the main and common errors and focus on them, and not be satisfied with superficial education.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Owaisat , Y. S.& Ghaziwat , M. l. A. (2022). Effect of the Blended Learning Method on Developing the Writing Skill of the Students of the First Three Grades in the Karak Education Directorate . International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 11 (5), 998-1012,

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