International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies

Volume 11 - Issue 5 (3) | PP: 968 - 979 Language : العربية

The Extent to which the Developed Science Textbook for the Sixth Grade in Jordan Includes the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS(

Areen Husein Ahmed Al-Shamailh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
7/4/2022 20/4/2022 26/4/2022 21/10/2022
The study aimed to reveal the extent to which the developed science textbook for the Sixth grade in Jordan includes the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the study followed the descriptive analytical approach to analyze science books for the Sixth grade; where a content analysis card was built in light of (NGSS) standards, as the analysis card included three main criteria (scientific and engineering practices, comprehensive concepts, and specialized ideas for science and engineering), the validity and reliability of the analysis tool were verified. The results of the study showed that the degree of inclusion of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in the science books for the Sixth grade was as follows: The standard of scientific and engineering practices came in the first rank with a percentage of (42%), and in the second rank came the standard of specialized ideas for science and engineering with a percentage of (37%). Finally, and in the third rank, the comprehensive concepts standard came with a rate of (21%), and in light of the results of the study, the study recommended the need to update and develop the developed science book for the Sixth grade in Jordan in line with the science standards for the next generation.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Shamailh , A. H. A. (2022). The Extent to which the Developed Science Textbook for the Sixth Grade in Jordan Includes the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS(. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 11 (5), 968-979,

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