General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 12 - Issue 2 (6) | PP: 96 - 104 Language : English

Estimating Regression Coefficients using Bootstrap with application to Covid-19 Data

Rojeen Taha Ahmad ,
Shelan Saied Ismaeel
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
27/4/2022 21/6/2022 5/7/2022 13/8/2022
The linear regression model is often used by researchers and data analysts for predictive, descriptive, and inferential purposes. When working with empirical data, this model is based on a set of assumptions that are not always satisfied. In this situation, using more complicated regression algorithms that do not strictly rely on the same assumptions might be one answer. Nevertheless, transformations provide a simpler technique for improving the validity of model assumptions and allow the user to continue using the well-known model of linear regression. The main objective of this project is to provide a transformation for the linear model’s response and predictor variables, as well as parameter estimation methods before the transformation and after the transformation. The bootstrap approach has been effectively used for many statistical estimates and inference issues, according to the paper.

How To Cite This Article
Ahmad , R. T. & Ismaeel , S. S. (2022). Estimating Regression Coefficients using Bootstrap with application to Covid-19 Data. General Letters in Mathematics, 12 (2), 96-104, 10.31559/glm2022.12.2.6

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