General Letters in Mathematics

Volume 8 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 33 - 40 Language : English

Nonlinear and memory boundary feedback stabilization for Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients

Nawel Abdesselam
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
1/5/2019 30/5/2019 2/6/2019 12/7/2020
In this paper, the boundary stabilization of Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients by nonlinear and memory feedback is considered. The approch adopted uses Riemannian geometry methods and multipliers techniques.

How To Cite This Article
Abdesselam , N. (2020). Nonlinear and memory boundary feedback stabilization for Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients . General Letters in Mathematics, 8 (2), 33-40, 10.31559/glm2020.8.2.1

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