International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Studies

Volume 1 - Issue 2 (2) | PP: 64 - 98 Language : العربية

The impact of human resource management practices on employee turnover in five-star hotels in Amman- Jordan

Ali M. Alajarmeh ,
Mukhles M. Al-Ababneh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
20/9/2020 21/10/2020 9/11/2020 21/1/2021
This study aimed to explore the impact of human resources management practices on employee turnover in five-star hotels in Amman - Jordan. It relied on an analytical descriptive research in describing the nature of human resource management practices in hotels as well as employee turnover in hotels by using quantitative method that based on questionnaire method, using five-point Likert scale, which determines the degree of agreement and the difference among the study sample regarding study variables. The researchers also used the SPSS program to analyse the data. The sample of the study consisted of employees in 17 five-star hotels in Amman, so the researchers distributed 420 questionnaires to employees in five-star hotels by using a convenience sampling, and 270 questionnaires were returned, representing 64.2%. After, it was find that 53 questionnaires were not valid for the analysis, so the number of valid questionnaires for the analysis was 217 questionnaires that represent 51.6%, which is a scientifically acceptable percentage for conducting this study. The results of the current study showed a simple impact of human resource management practices on employee turnover in five-star hotels in Amman, this indicates that human resource management practices explains a small percentage of differences in employee turnover and that lead them to leave their work in these hotels, while the largest percentage of employee turnover is due to the impact of other factors. The study recommended the necessity of working to find objective means for selecting employees to ensure control of the most important variables of job turnover in five-star hotels in Amman. As well as attention to compensation and incentives provided to employees to reduce the level of employee turnover. This study recommended to conducting other studies on employees' satisfaction with work implementation procedures to indicate the most important internal and external factors that increase employees’ desire to leave work. More attention must be given to those who have great talents and experience by providing them the appropriate incentives so that employees do not have to quit their work and lose it, and this reflects negatively on hotel’s performance. There is a need for conducting more studies to identify the impact of human resource management practices on employee turnover by using other dimensions.

How To Cite This Article
Alajarmeh , A. M.& Al-Ababneh , M. M. (2021). The impact of human resource management practices on employee turnover in five-star hotels in Amman- Jordan . International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Studies , 1 (2), 64-98,

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