Bulletin of Advanced English Studies accepts for publication, original scholarly contributions, book reviews in all research areas within the domain of English studies. It includes but not limited to the following topics (Language, literature, linguistics, Literary theory, Cultural studies, Teaching and learning of English, Language Education, and translation studies, etc.)
· English Literature includes but not limited to (Literature and History, Literature and Media, Literary Criticism, World Literature, American Literature, British Literature, Comparative literature, English Renaissance, Short stories, Drama, Novel, poetry and prose, Restoration and Eighteenth Century, and Nineteenth Century).
· English Linguistics includes but not limited to (Cognitive linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Field Linguistics, General Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Contrastive textology, contrastive linguistics, lexicology, stylistics, sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, pragmatics, Phonetics and phonology, Discourse studies, Neurolinguistics, Bilingualism, acquisition studies.
· Teaching and learning of English (Computer-assisted language learning/ teaching, Second Language Acquisition, English for specific purposes, classroom language, teaching methodology in classrooms, teacher education, Gender in Language, assessment of language, needs analysis; materials development and evaluation, Cross cultural Education, Curriculum development, and English LanguagePedagogy).
· Language.
· Language Education.
· Translation Studies.