International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies

Volume 2 - Issue 1 (5) | PP: 106 - 122 Language : العربية

Intersections of Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning) and Induction in the Methods of Shari’a, Experimental, and Human Sciences

Mohamed El Filali
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
1/1/2019 28/1/2019 8/2/2019 30/3/2019
The sciences of revelation, cosmic science, and human sciences are integrated for Muslim scholars, one way of their complementarities: their intersection (ie, their interaction and involvement) in employing analogical reasoning and induction. It should be noted that the intersection between analogical reasoning and induction is absent in the science of Hadith, because the reasons for research did not call for that : there was no need to deploy induction as analogical reasoning was used. . The induction has been employed in the fundamentals of jurisprudence to prove the purposes of the Shari’a and the five essentials. The reason is the origin of the analogical reasoning. The reasons are discovered by induction using the mechanisms of division and mystery. And between the induction and analogical reasoning overlap and attraction: In the fundamentals of jurisprudence: induction is a methodical mechanism to serve analogical reasoning. In experimental science, induction and analogical reasoning serve each other. In medicine, the analogical reasoning was sometimes part of the experiment, and sometimes it was the origin . There is no doubt that the conviction of the existence of laws governingr history is the motivation of some Muslim scholars to study it inductively., such as what Ibn Khaldun and Ibn al-Azraq did.

How To Cite This Article
Filali , M. E. (2019). Intersections of Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning) and Induction in the Methods of Shari’a, Experimental, and Human Sciences. International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies, 2 (1), 106-122,

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