International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies

Volume 2 - Issue 1 (2) | PP: 29 - 50 Language : العربية

Requirements for a Training Course for those who are Intending to Marriage in Palestine: Legitimacy and Need

Yousef A.H Keleibi
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
23/1/2019 9/2/2019 27/2/2019 30/3/2019
Islam took care of the family and marriage, raised their importance, and proceeded to preserve them. Also Islam put a way for annulment of this marriage. Nowadays we are suffering from the loss of the meanings of the sanctity of married life in the hearts of some couples; until the divorce become an easy action for them, and the divorce rate became disturbing and increasing significantly. It is worth looking for practical ways and means to reduce the rising divorce rate which is the study problem. The importance of the study stems from the search for a proposed practical means to reduce the high divorce rates, namely, mandatory education for those who intended to marry and before their marriage. This study aims to explain the Islamic philosophy for family and marriage, to review the importance and need for such education and its role in reducing the divorce rate, as well as to clarify the legitimacy of the requirement of such courses for those who intending to marry. The researcher followed the inductive and analytical descriptive approach in his study. The study concluded that the interest of Islam in the family and the establishment of a healthy married life is the basis of love, understanding and permanence which is one of the purposes of Islamic beliefs. In addition to that, there is an urgent need for mandatory education for those who intending to marry, which contributes to reduce the divorce rate and marital disputes. Also, the requirement of a mandatory course is legitimate and fulfills some of the objectives of the Islamic Shar'i.

How To Cite This Article
Keleibi , Y. A. (2019). Requirements for a Training Course for those who are Intending to Marriage in Palestine: Legitimacy and Need. International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies, 2 (1), 29-50,

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