International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies

Volume 8 - Issue 4 (3) | PP: 152 - 162 Language : العربية

Cognitive Transformations of the Concept of Marriage “Causes and Effects”

Salih Qadir Al-Zanki ,
Omar Yousif Ababneh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
1/12/2023 18/12/2023 25/12/2023 25/1/2024
Objectives: The research aimed to know the cognitive transformations that the concept of marriage had been through. It identified the points of disagreement among the scholars regarding the concept of marriage and highlighted the factors impacting such disagreement. The research revealed the points of agreement among the scholars pertaining to the concept of marriage because the terminology changes take place due to the change in place, or time, or due to some other factors. Methodology: We followed the inductive and deductive approaches as they fit well to the nature of the research and its content to serve the purpose of the research. Conclusion: The research ended with the conclusion that has several outcomes and recommendations. The brief results are as follows: the concept of marriage had been subject of transformations corroborating to the jurisprudential school of thought, however the essence of the concept remained intact. The differences were mostly focused on confinement of terminologies and lexical aspect of the definitions. The definitions by the contemporary jurists revolve around incorporating the objectives of marriage as the elementary part of the terminology to exclude any form of marriage that may contradict with the objectives of it.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Zanki , S. Q.& Ababneh , O. Y. (2024). Cognitive Transformations of the Concept of Marriage “Causes and Effects”. International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies, 8 (4), 152-162,

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