International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education

Volume 5 - Issue 2 (1) | PP: 34 - 42 Language : English

Human Rights Insights into School and Community Viewpoints of Girl-Child Schooling in Rural Areas of Chadiza District, Eastern Province, Zambia

Daniel L. Mpolomoka ,
Musonda Luchembe ,
Peter Sampa ,
Selina Banda ,
Joseph Mandyata ,
Christine Mushibwe ,
Tuke Chulu ,
Mutinta Matimba
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
30/5/2023 14/6/2023 3/7/2023 29/10/2023
Objective: To establish school and community viewpoints of girl-child schooling in rural areas of Chadiza District, Eastern Province of Zambia. Methods: The study used qualitative research methodology, particularly following the narrative inquiry. The sample comprised 2 primary schools in the district with 32 respondents: 2 head teachers, 10 teachers (5 from each school), 16 pupils (8 from each school) and 4 members of the community (2 representing each school). The study employed a self-sampling method to select headteachers, simple random sampling procedure to select teachers and pupils; and convenient sampling to select members of the community. Data were collected through interview guides and observation guides. Data were coded and transcribed. Thematic data analysis method was employed. Results: The findings indicated that parents' level of education and distribution of responsibilities of household chores to school-going children affects their (girl-children) academic performance and engagement in extra-curricular activities. The respondents unanimously cited the following vices as perpetuators of girl-child school dropouts: truancy: community-led income generating activities, financial constraints, terminal illnesses, orphanage, child abandonment, female-headed households, marriage break-ups, parent/guardian drunkenness and sexual harassment. Conclusion: The District Education Office and the Community should intensify media and local community sensitization of girl-child education in Chadiza District of Zambia in order to curb vices that affect school-going girls.

How To Cite This Article
Mpolomoka , D. L.Luchembe , M.Sampa , P.Banda , S.Mandyata , J.Mushibwe , C.Chulu , T. & Matimba , M. (2023). Human Rights Insights into School and Community Viewpoints of Girl-Child Schooling in Rural Areas of Chadiza District, Eastern Province, Zambia . International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education, 5 (2), 34-42, 10.31559/CCSE2023.5.2.1

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